Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cotswolds and Cheltenham

Thursday, 28th May, was spent exploring the towns and villages in the Cotswolds, driving down narrow roads, up and down hills and valleys with lots of lovely English trees with varying colours of green for this time of the year. Through beautiful countryside, mixed farming with grain, sheep and beef, a lot of crops of wheat and barley where we went.  We went on the country roads, some very narrow and through lots of little villages and passed huge Manor houses.

First we went to Cheltenham, a regency town built 200 years ago with lots of gardens and tree lined streets, not unlike Christchurch in ways except for the houses and buildings.  We had lunch on the lawn in front of the Pump House and then looked through it.

Regency Houses in Cheltenham

Pittville Pump House in Cheltenham used for functions and finished in 1830 and restored after the WW2 in 1960.  Spectacular inside with decorated dome etc and gallery around it.
Next stop was Stow-on-the-Wold, a very picturesque village with all buildings old some dating back to 1473.  Then it was to Bourton-on-the Water which had a stream with narrow bridges over it and a lot of tourists.  We wandered up and down the village there also.

Market Square in Stow-on-the-Wold

Martin and Sue on a bridge in Bourton-on-the-Water.
The final 2 villages were Lower and Upper Slaughter, both with different features, but still having buildings made of the Cotswold yellow stone and picturesque.

Stream and houses in Lower Slaughter
It was a great day, the only problem was the time it took us to get back to Gloucester due to peak hour traffic on the motorway !!

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