Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ashleworth and Tewkesbury

May 26th - went by car north to Ashleworth, just north of Gloucester to where one of the last Tithe barns on a Manor farm with house and church, is still standing and protected.  It is still being used by the farmer and not usually visited by the public. It is on the banks of the River Severn and often flooded.  You can see the flood marker at the side on the second photo.

Notice in the Tithe Barn

The Ashleworth Manor House and Church

The Tithe Barn in front of the Church.

We then went around the countryside and over to the west and just into Wales and up and down the Malvern Hills and then back down to Tewkesbury, 14 miles north of Gloucester, on the river.  The River Avon starts here and on the start are famous picturesque houses and Martin and Sue's friend Polly had just bought the small one to the left and was having a house warming party !!  Spent 2 hours having Pimms sitting at the front of it, a lovely evening.

Polly's house is the small one on the left.  The tower of the Tewkesbury Abbey can be seen in the background behind Polly's house.

Polly's 400 year old house, from the front with studio to the side and inside the living room.  Note the very old beams and low ceilings.  She is getting it ready to rent out, they are keeping it for their retirement. Martin could hardly stand up in it !
Then went out for an Indian meal in Tewkesbury and back to Gloucester late.


  1. Im dying to know what a Tithe Barn is? I cant seem to read the writing on the board.

  2. Im dying to know what a Tithe Barn is? I cant seem to read the writing on the board.

    1. Tithe barn is the barn on the manor where all the tenants put 10% of their grain they had harvested into as there way of the contribution of the rent to the manor. On a Manor farm there was always a manor, church and a tithe barn.
